ANBI status

The Van Eesteren Museum is registered as a Public Benefit Institution (ANBI). This ANBI status with the tax authorities means that donations and inheritance to the museum are exempt from gift and inheritance tax and that it is even fiscally advantageous to give or donate to the Van Eesteren Museum. The Geefwet allows individuals to deduct an additional 25% from the tax; for companies, the deduction is even 50%. For example, Het Rijk encourages the support of culture by individuals and companies. Information about donations can be found on the website of the tax authorities.

Statutory name
Van Eesterenmuseum Foundation

Mailing address
Freek Oxstraat 27-hs
1063 ZV, Amsterdam

The RSIN tax number

Also mentioned
Van Eesteren Museum

Visiting address
North side 31
1064 GV Amsterdam

Bank account number

Gus Tielens
Algemeen lid
Michiel Rohlof
General member
Virgill Olvira
General member
Nadia Abdelkaui
General member
Robert Koshiek
Birgitte de Maar

Funding, Sponsors, and Donations
The Van Eesteren Museum depends largely on subsidies and donations for funding. It is supported by partners and sponsors.

Do you also want to support us? Check out the options here. It can be done by individuals as well as institutions and companies. Do you have questions about sponsoring the museum or would you like more information about this? Please contact Jorn Konijn at

Museum register
The Van Eesteren Museum is included in the Museum Register of the Netherlands and is a recognized museum.

Annual reports
The Van Eesteren Museum Annual Report contains a report on the activities carried out in that year, the financial developments and a financial overview with the balance sheet and the statement of income and expenses.