Welcome to the museum
The Van Eesteren Museum is a foundation, with a board and management. In addition, there are a small number of permanent employees and a large group of volunteer employees. The Van Eesteren Museum has ANBI status and is officially included in the Netherlands Museum Register.

Program Council
The museum builds on a network of more than 100 committed volunteers, mostly local residents, former architects or former urban planners, who work for the museum in various ways as walking guides, housing guides, educational guides or museum guides. They are the beating heart of the organization.

Are you looking for a special location for a meeting or event? The Van Eesteren Museum offers a beautiful space in Nieuw-West, on the Sloterplas. Where light, air and space are the motto. The museum pavilion designed by Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architects offers countless possibilities. For catering, the museum works with local partners in the neighborhood, and we also have our own Van Eesteren Beer.

Press is very welcome in the museum. Do you want to stop by? Then make an appointment with jorn@vaneesterenmuseum.nl or call 020-4471857.